How did that happen?
I hope that everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving break, and enjoyed spending time with family and friends. I know I did!

In class we have been learning many new things, despite the crazy weather and schedules that we have!

In Social Studies we are studying Native Americans, and have studied the Iroquois and are currently studying the Cheyenne. We mainly focus on their homeland, food, clothing, shelter, language, storytelling, arts and crafts, and trade. We discuss how where they live affects all of these things, and affects their culture. The students have made beautiful cultural handbooks that will be coming home soon!

In Reading, we have been continuing our Characters in Conflict unit, and have been collaborating with Mrs. Parker and Ms. Pinto on a projects about character traits. It has been fun doing cross-curricular work, and I think the finished projects will be wonderful!

In Writing, we are working on our character traits papers, as well as exploring a new web-creation software called Inspiration. We are also focusing a great deal on conferencing, editing, and revising our own papers.

In Math, we have competed our division unit, and have moved on to fractions. So far the students have learned about fractions using geometrical shapes, improper fractions, and equivalent fractions.

The students have also been having DARE weekly, and getting ready for their winter concerts in Chorus!

It has been a busy, fun time in 5H!

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