In Reading, we have been learning about the different aspects of non-fiction text, and have practiced looking for main ideas, facts, and summarizing. 

In Writing,  we are learning about how to write an expository essay. The students learned the parts of an expository essay, and that their main ideas need to help prove their thesis statement. They are in the publishing stage of their first essay, and will be starting a second one soon!

In Math, we have learned how to add and subtract fractions with common and uncommon denominators. We are now learning about decimals, percents, and fractions and how they correlate.

In Social Studies, we finished up the Native American unit with the Pueblo tribe. We are now going to start our next Science unit, Light and Sound.

We will be starting a new Classroom Management Program soon! Stay tuned!

Congratulations to all of the performers that participated in last night's Band and Orchestra concert! I was so proud to watch you all perform, and you did an excellent job! I am looking forward to all the future concerts!

Last Friday the first marking period officially came to a close. Just a reminder that report cards will be coming home with your children today!

Please let me know if you have any questions about the new format, or anything else!

Have a wonderful weekend!
How did that happen?
I hope that everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving break, and enjoyed spending time with family and friends. I know I did!

In class we have been learning many new things, despite the crazy weather and schedules that we have!

In Social Studies we are studying Native Americans, and have studied the Iroquois and are currently studying the Cheyenne. We mainly focus on their homeland, food, clothing, shelter, language, storytelling, arts and crafts, and trade. We discuss how where they live affects all of these things, and affects their culture. The students have made beautiful cultural handbooks that will be coming home soon!

In Reading, we have been continuing our Characters in Conflict unit, and have been collaborating with Mrs. Parker and Ms. Pinto on a projects about character traits. It has been fun doing cross-curricular work, and I think the finished projects will be wonderful!

In Writing, we are working on our character traits papers, as well as exploring a new web-creation software called Inspiration. We are also focusing a great deal on conferencing, editing, and revising our own papers.

In Math, we have competed our division unit, and have moved on to fractions. So far the students have learned about fractions using geometrical shapes, improper fractions, and equivalent fractions.

The students have also been having DARE weekly, and getting ready for their winter concerts in Chorus!

It has been a busy, fun time in 5H!

Here is a copy of the filled our grapic organizer for the Iroquois that we completed in class.
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Download File

The students may use this to complete their graphic organizers, or study from! Feel free to print and give to them as needed!
We have a early dismissal today due to weather, just a reminder! Thank you!
Hi All! It's good to be back in school!
Just wanted to update everyone that the Science Test will now be Tuesday 11/6/12. Also, tomorrow is a half day for Professional Development.

Hope all of your homes are safe and have lights!
Hello All!

I hope you are staying safe and dry in this crazy weather we are having. After learning about fronts in Science about a month ago, it has been extra interesting to view the radar maps!

Just a quick update, since we have no school today or tomorrow, I am cancelling our Science test until we know for sure when we will be back at school. I will talk to the students when we are back about a makeup date. 
We have been doing a great deal of learning the past few weeks!

In Reading, we have started our Characters and People in Conflict Unit. We have started discussing what conflict is, and where we can find it in our just right books. We also have been talking about inferring character traits from evidence in the text. We can learn about our characters in many different ways - how they speak and think, how they interact with others, what the descriptions of them are, what other characters say about them, and more!

In Writing, we are just completing our Personal Narrative Unit. Students have been working hard writing their rough draft and carefully going over it before conferencing with me, and with other students. They will be starting the publishing process today! They learned that the difference between a regular seed story and a personal narrative is that a personal narrative tells the reader why the event was important to the author, and how it affected them.

In Math, we finished up Unit 2, Big Numbers and have started Unit 4, Division and Data. We have been learning about area, perimeter, and have just scratched the surface of division. Students learn many different ways to divide in 5th grade - such as with Base 10 Short Hand, The Forgiving Method, and The Traditional Method.

In Science, the students have been learning about the Inner and Outer Planets in our Solar System. They also are learning the importance of taking careful notes - they had a "Pop Quiz" on the Outer Planets where they were able to use the notes they took in class (and the notes that I printed out for them as well). We are preparing for middle school here at Gainfield!

Also, the class has been really enjoying the use of our new Behavior Management System that we have been using since September, Class Dojo. Everyday the class gets feedback on how they did following the classroom expectations. I believe it is an important part of our day, and the class is learning how to be responsible for both their own behaviors and their behaviors as a class.

A few reminders:
*Tomorrow is Gainfield Goes Green for the Gowens - please remember to wear green and donate $1 to the family!
*Tomorrow is also Moms and Muffins, starting at 7:30 AM in the cafeteria. It goes until 9:00 AM.
*Tomorrow is the last day for Box Tops!
*Friday is picture day! Wear